This is so SQUISHY and FUN!
Here is what I did:
- Mix glue, baking soda, water and food coloring (optional) in a bowl
- Add shaving cream and mix
- Slowly add in contact solution and mix (Note: Your hands will be sticky while you mix. If it is still too sticky, you can just add some coconut oil or lotion to your hands)
It was hard to put down after a while because we were having a blast with it. My kids decided to add some extra toys to extend the fun! Does anyone have other ideas of other things we could add??
- 2/3 Cup; Elmer’s White Glue
- 1/2 teaspoon; Baking Soda
- 1/4 cup; Water
- 2-3 cups; Shaving cream
- 1.5 tablespoons; Contact Lens Solution (must contain boric acid and sodium borate)
- Food coloring (optional)