Giving homemade gifts from kids is hard. It is hard to think of something special and unique and something that a person isn’t just going to throw away. So although the throw away part was still on my mind when inviting my boys to partake in this adventure, I knew it would be a fun activity for them as well.

My sister-in-law was having her birthday and both of my boys both adore her so much that we wanted to do something special for her, so we decided to “make” her a cake.  I asked them to be my helpful cake decorators and go to town on this cardboard box cake with paint, feathers, paper, pom-poms, string, ect. and of course the candle.

Directions: Wrap up any size cardboard boxes in paper or newspaper and have your kids paint, glue, draw, etc. on them. I think our boxes were from a blow up pool, an Amazon box, a macaroni box and possibly a 24 pack of water. And then to top it off add a popsicle stick candle!