Yes, both of my kids are boys and yes both of them love their nails painted! Yesterday, I painted both of their hands and each finger had to be a different color. And why not? They want their nails to be “pretty” too. That is when I got the idea of painting rocks with nail polish colors! I found these little rocks  at the Dollar Tree awhile back but you can definitely use some you find outside (and take note I used the smallest rocks because …Time Waster)! There is just something about all the fun colors and those tiny little brushes that infatuate my children which did lead them to painting for 30 minutes! Score!

Since getting their nails painted is so fun for them I picked up some fun colors at the Dollar Tree and as you can see in the last photo, they had this really cool confetti one and my boys said, “we are painting on sprinkles!”  It is such a fun polish that I might be borrowing it from the boys HA!
I think they are ready to paint nails now? Who will be first?