It was a rather cloudy cooler day yesterday so we spent some time outside going on a walk looking at nature! Nature is so fascinating for my children–they could dig in the dirt, play with worms, rocks, sticks, grass, weeds, water, ect for hours. I love watching them make their own fun with “natural” toys. We decided to keep a few of our nature treasures and brought them inside for this activity.
It is pretty straight forward—I wrote numbers in a permanent marker on the leaves/weeds and they use a hole punch to punch out the correct number. If you don’t have a hole punch you could just color a certain number of “holes” on leaves. When Max (5) finished punching he started to trace over the lines of leaves and he really enjoyed just coloring nature!! And Ollie(3) just loved to simply punch. This really put their fine motor skills to the test!!

“Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives.” -Thomas Berry